Midwest Institute for Addiction

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What is the importance of finding an accredited alcohol and drug treatment rehab center? It might be more important than you think, and while there are numbers of quality accrediting bodies, having even one can drastically increase the quality of care that can, and should, be expected within an organization and facility. What are the benefits to you, when a program is accredited through a State, Federal, or professional body? While this may seem somewhat trivial this simple question is inquiring into much more than you might give it credit for.

It is common knowledge that the doctor you visit be licensed or the therapist you see be certified in their particular area of expertise. This is obviously desired if one is to put their trust into these particular professionals but what about the whole entity or organization as it applies to alcohol and drug addiction treatment? These facilities are often multi-faceted organizations that utilize a number of professionals from an array of specialties. It is vital that all of these parts work proficiently together to ensure the best quality of care to the individual dealing with alcohol and/or drug addiction. What about the care and respect that is expected for each client? What about the facility itself and safety of the client while attending care?

What an accreditation does is ensure that these different parts work proficiently together and that patients are treated appropriately, professionally, and with care. These accrediting bodies give alcohol and drug rehab programs someone to answer to and ultimately lead to highly effective and quality programs. Just having an accreditation shows an alcohol and drug rehab center’s desire to constantly work towards better and more effective care for its clients.

There are so many questions that should be asked when looking for an alcohol and drug rehab center that is the right fit for you or your loved one, but one question that really sums up all the others is, “are you a state or federally certified program?”  By inquiring into the accreditation of a program you are indirectly asking what they do to ensure quality treatment, what they do to maintain up to date care and therapy, what they do to ensure quality care for each individual, and so much more. This is a question that is absolutely necessary in your search for the right alcohol and drug treatment rehab center.



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