One of the most difficult things an individual dealing with alcohol and/or drug abuse can do is make the absolute commitment to remove these chemicals from their life. If it were an easy process rehabs wouldn't exist around the world and continue to pop-up everywhere. If it were an easy process there would not be the amount of individuals sitting incarcerated due to drug and alcohol problems as their are now. If it were an easy process I wouldn't be writing right now.
The difficulty of this absolute decision is like anything in absolute terms. We may not want to eat food that is negative to our diet but who wants to commit to never eating ice cream for the rest of their life. As difficult as even that sounds it can be done and is done on a daily basis by individuals getting their lives back. In fact, a life without ice cream probably wouldn't be all that bad. I am sure there must be some natural and healthy alternative... Imagine how sweet and delicious a strawberry, apple, or other fruit would be if you had not had any artificial sweets in years. Sweet right?!
The same goes for throwing it down the toilet or putting a cork in the bottle. Life may seem difficult but it gets better. Better than you can even imagine it. If you are like me and want some proof just look up the stimulation-depression mechanism associated with alcohol and drug use then look up the hedonic set-point and you will see what I speak of. Life is good and it gets better. With recovery comes recuperation, and the things that at one time brought no joy will fill you with it. The days that made you think you couldn't go on any further will make you shrug you shoulders in indifference.
It can be done. There are many alcohol and drug rehabs in St. Louis waiting to help you right now. Some of these even go as far as to make sure you experience is better than your current expectations. It can be done, it can get better, you can have your life back, because you are not alone!
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