Midwest Institute for Addiction

Sunday, December 29, 2013

St. Louis’ Best Alcohol and Drug Rehab

Midwest Institute for Addiction is often described as one of the top alcohol and drug rehab centers in St. Louis, Missouri, and strives to enhance and maintain this reputation. The reason for this example is quite simple in theory and goes far beyond simply maintaining best practices for the treatment of alcohol and drug addiction. There are many St. Louis rehab centers to choose from when seeking treatment for alcohol and/or drug addiction but MIA has a difference. This difference is separate from their medical care, psychiatric care, behavioral care, and the other modalities and services available to their clients.

MIA’s difference is derived from the idea that in the professional service sector, specifically addiction treatment, there is a lack of dichotomy established between product and service. Most professionals simply think that the measurable outputs they perform each day (therapy, detox, etc.) is both a service and their product. This is, in fact, mistaken by the majority of providers.

Midwest Institute for Addiction maintains evidence-based best practices. MIA incorporates medical, psychiatric, and behavioral components of care. MIA offers both inpatient and outpatient detox and addiction treatment. MIA offers health and wellness, meditation and mindfulness, and other ancillary services. The MIA difference is not what every St. Louis rehab center should do. The MIA differences are the service components that MIA and each staff member commit to and facilitate at their facility. These service components are accessibility, adaptability, responsiveness, compassion, and ethical culture.

CLICK HERE for more information about Midwest Institute for Addiction

Sunday, December 22, 2013

For some...the ultimate New Year's Resolution.

One of the most difficult things an individual dealing with alcohol and/or drug abuse can do is make the absolute commitment to remove these chemicals from their life. If it were an easy process rehabs wouldn't exist around the world and continue to pop-up everywhere. If it were an easy process there would not be the amount of individuals sitting incarcerated due to drug and alcohol problems as their are now. If it were an easy process I wouldn't be writing right now.

The difficulty of this absolute decision is like anything in absolute terms. We may not want to eat food that is negative to our diet but who wants to commit to never eating ice cream for the rest of their life. As difficult as even that sounds it can be done and is done on a daily basis by individuals getting their lives back. In fact, a life without ice cream probably wouldn't be all that bad. I am sure there must be some natural and healthy alternative... Imagine how sweet and delicious a strawberry, apple, or other fruit would be if you had not had any artificial sweets in years. Sweet right?!

The same goes for throwing it down the toilet or putting a cork in the bottle. Life may seem difficult but it gets better. Better than you can even imagine it. If you are like me and want some proof just look up the stimulation-depression mechanism associated with alcohol and drug use then look up the hedonic set-point and you will see what I speak of. Life is good and it gets better. With recovery comes recuperation, and the things that at one time brought no joy will fill you with it. The days that made you think you couldn't go on any further will make you shrug you shoulders in indifference.

It can be done. There are many alcohol and drug rehabs in St. Louis waiting to help you right now. Some of these even go as far as to make sure you experience is better than your current expectations. It can be done, it can get better, you can have your life back, because you are not alone!


Monday, April 1, 2013

Keeping Alcohol and Drug Detox and Treatment Confidential

One of the biggest concerns that many individuals have is the safe guarding of their personal information. In today’s society this is something that is becoming more and more concerning for many individuals. This is the case for most anyone but it is especially true for those dealing with problems they probably would like to keep to themselves.
Take the working professional for example. Addiction is probably the least prejudice or discriminatory entity out there today and it affects people of all walks of life. For the majority of people affected by alcohol and/or drug addiction checking into an inpatient rehab or an outpatient rehab will solve many of their problems, but he last thing a person in recovery needs is judgments on the part of those that have no need to know their situation in the first place. This is often a concern and can, at times, keep an individual from accessing the services they need to improve their quality of life and break free from their alcohol and/or drug addiction.
Confidentiality is a key component to a quality alcohol and drug detox and addiction treatment rehab program. Many times the best addiction rehab centers will not be easily found by just driving down a road or interstate, as they are often located within buildings with limited signage. The reason for this is so one might walk into a building and those around have no better idea where they are headed than to the dentist, doctor, or yoga instructor.
There are laws and regulations which govern and protect the storage and usage of an individual’s personal health information but why stop at the bare minimum? It should be about a person’s total comfort level when they come into a treatment center and this includes ease of access and minimal anxiety as they make their way to the safety behind closed doors. This is not to say that there is anything wrong with the individual addicted to alcohol and/or drugs but to deny a certain stigma associated with the disorder would be irresponsible.
So, a quality program recognizes this fact and implements measures to provide a safe, secure, and comfortable environment to those they serve above and beyond the minimal regulations required by Federal and State law. While looking for a quality alcohol and drug rehab center this should be something you consider as you plan and decide. Remember, the individuals and facility you choose will be a part of your new life and help you get back on track and there is no reason why both of these should be of great quality.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Keeping Your Recovery at the Forefront, Alcohol and Drug Addiction Treatment

Addiction treatment and addiction treatment rehab centers are a vital part of one’s recovery. But someday, whether leaving a residential program or in an outpatient alcohol and drug treatment program, there will be temptations and triggers to deal with. It is interesting to see how addiction works in the brain and on the various parts of the brain and these parts combined role; some of which become less able to function throughout one’s addiction. In particular the pre-frontal cortex; the part of the brain that allows us to make rational decision and choose an appropriate action based on past experiences and known consequences. So this author had a little idea.
A little disclaimer, there is no research that backs this theory but even if a placebo effect is achieved then job well done. This author has created a gray bracelet that has the words, “Dream, Believe, and Remember” scrolled across the outside. The purpose of this recovery bracelet is to promote intelligent and rational decision making.  Wear this bracelet if you are in recovery and always remember what should be at the forefront of your mind. The greatest thing about the bracelet is that no one else knows what it is and the word can be applied to pretty much life itself.
Dream about where you want to be and what you want to do. Believe that you can achieve these dreams and you will. Remember where you came from so that you will always appreciate where you are and never forget where you came from. Remember sometimes things fall apart so that better things can come together. This is our stance. Making the right decisions even in difficult times, in the end you are greatly rewarded.
The MIA recovery bracelet is one that stands for staying sober, beating alcohol and drug addiction, and never going back where we you came from. The recovery bracelet reminds you how to make good decisions and look at life. The recovery bracelet is always a reminder about what you want to do and where you want to be. The recovery bracelet is a beacon of hope for those who at one point had none. The recovery bracelet is worn by many just like you; they share your pain, experiences and hopes. Look up this reminder of what we want to be and wear it with pride.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What is the importance of finding an accredited alcohol and drug treatment rehab center? It might be more important than you think, and while there are numbers of quality accrediting bodies, having even one can drastically increase the quality of care that can, and should, be expected within an organization and facility. What are the benefits to you, when a program is accredited through a State, Federal, or professional body? While this may seem somewhat trivial this simple question is inquiring into much more than you might give it credit for.

It is common knowledge that the doctor you visit be licensed or the therapist you see be certified in their particular area of expertise. This is obviously desired if one is to put their trust into these particular professionals but what about the whole entity or organization as it applies to alcohol and drug addiction treatment? These facilities are often multi-faceted organizations that utilize a number of professionals from an array of specialties. It is vital that all of these parts work proficiently together to ensure the best quality of care to the individual dealing with alcohol and/or drug addiction. What about the care and respect that is expected for each client? What about the facility itself and safety of the client while attending care?

What an accreditation does is ensure that these different parts work proficiently together and that patients are treated appropriately, professionally, and with care. These accrediting bodies give alcohol and drug rehab programs someone to answer to and ultimately lead to highly effective and quality programs. Just having an accreditation shows an alcohol and drug rehab center’s desire to constantly work towards better and more effective care for its clients.

There are so many questions that should be asked when looking for an alcohol and drug rehab center that is the right fit for you or your loved one, but one question that really sums up all the others is, “are you a state or federally certified program?”  By inquiring into the accreditation of a program you are indirectly asking what they do to ensure quality treatment, what they do to maintain up to date care and therapy, what they do to ensure quality care for each individual, and so much more. This is a question that is absolutely necessary in your search for the right alcohol and drug treatment rehab center.



Friday, February 15, 2013

Fitness Training and Nutrition: Implications in Alcohol and Drug Addiction Treatment

Most individuals know the power of a healthy diet and consistent fitness regimen but getting started is always the difficult part. Like so many things that are good for us the hardest and least desired time to start is the exact moment when it is vital and extremely beneficial to do so. While there are a number of these situations the one this author is focused on is the individual who is dealing with alcohol and/or drug addiction. Whether at the beginning, end, or sometime during the duration of one’s addiction treatment, in or out of a rehab center, physical wellbeing is beneficial in more ways than not.

Poor diet, sedentary living, and unfavorable physical shape can lead to anxiety, depression, and a decrease in one’s sense of overall wellbeing; all things that plague the person dealing with addiction and make treatment progress at a decreased pace. While the treatment of addiction has its core focused around the medical, psychiatric, and behavioral aspects of alcohol and/or drug addiction, the same three elements can be applied to just one’s physical wellbeing. So how can diet and exercise help the individual in their addiction treatment?
Most people are familiar with the benefits of diet and exercise; in fact, it is plastered everywhere we look and for good reason. The importance of diet and exercise are, for the most part, common knowledge to most individuals. But why mention it when talking about addiction treatment? Here is why.

Beyond the normal benefit of eating healthy and exercising, which is everyday knowledge, there are powerful implications for these practices in the treatment of alcohol and drug addiction. First of all, treating addiction is something that must be holistic and improving multiple aspects of one’s life is vital in long-term success. Proper nutrition and physical fitness are just a few more of these vital elements.

Diet can be adjusted to achieve a number of different goals. Studies have shown certain diets as effective in the replenishing and balancing of powerful chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters which are a big part of the disease of addiction. Diet and exercise also have positive effects on cognitive ability and brain functioning.

Intrapersonal benefits are also a benefit of diet and exercise, things such as self-efficacy, self-esteem, and self-worth. Exercise can also help an individual deal with some of the very stressors that can trigger those in recovery to lapse and use again. Only positives can come from a healthy diet and exercise regimen when it comes to the individual in addiction treatment.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Searching for an Addiction Rehab Center

Are your 50 calls into your rehab center search? Most individuals that are searching for rehab centers, for themselves of a loved one, find this the case more times than not. The real question here, are you asking these rehab centers the right questions? While looking for an effective and caring rehab center there are multiple aspects of treatment that one should look for. Use the following guidelines as a sort of interview for the rehab center you choose; this is vital in deciding on the rehab center that is right for you or your loved one.

Does the rehab center use a multi-faceted approach? There are many variables when it comes to addiction treatment and it is important that each of these principles is addressed. The rehab center should be able to address the physical needs, psychiatric needs, and behavioral needs of each client. There are multiple aspects to addiction and so there is a need for multiple aspects of addiction treatment at the rehabilitation center of your choosing.

Does the rehab center have the ability to adapt on its comprehensive continuum of care? It is important that the rehab center you choose is able to be rapidly malleable to the needs of the patient as these often change throughout the duration of addiction treatment. For example, while detox is typically at the onset of addiction treatment, the rehab center should have the ability to do so at any time as relapse is often an occurrence. 

Alternately, while substance abuse is the main problem, other aspects, such as mental health and family health, can often impose obstacles in the progress of treatment; these too need to be addressed as needed.
Does the rehab center make itself readily accessible to the patient? It is important that the rehab center has a prominent and large presence in the patient’s life and is readily accessible when needed. While treatment is scheduled, crisis is not and the patient needs to have the ability to contact the clerical, medical, and therapeutic staff when needed.   This is a key component of effective care.

Does the rehab center have variations in treatment? Optimal treatment settings and care vary from patient to patient and while most rehab centers do not offer all aspects of care many do have the ability to refer and use a network of other resources to provide the patient with care that meets their needs. Some outpatient rehab centers utilize other residential rehab centers at the initiation of care or during its duration, should the need arise. Ultimately, the rehab center of your choice should have the patient in mind and their motivation and intentions should always reflect this, even if that means referring an individual to a more suited setting.

No one searches for a house, education, or child care without making sure that it is the right fit and meets all of their needs. It is important to do the same with the rehab center of your choice. This is an important investment of resources and time and only the most qualified and effective rehab centers should be sought.

Residential Rehab Isn’t the Place for Me, Outpatient Rehab is where I’d Rather Be.

So what is the big fuss about all of these rehab centers and how in the world do we know what rehab center is best for ourselves or a loved one. While there are many aspects to addiction treatment and there is a wide array of differences among rehab centers many individuals simply want to know if they should utilize a residential rehab center, an outpatient rehab center, or both forms of rehab in conjunction. This is a good question and here is a good answer.

First, let me say that there is a good need for both residential rehab and outpatient rehab dependent on the person. And ultimately, the individual’s personal preference and comfort will dictate the rehab setting they choose. While both rehab settings are important, let’s shed some light on the topic to make a more informed decision in our rehab center search.

Often there are two types of individuals that this author frequently encounters. First is the person that associates residential rehab as the only possible way to treat their addiction and stay free of substance abuse. The second individual states that checking out of life and into a rehab center is not even an option given their other obligations in life and would rather continue using that risk any negative impacts to these obligations.

Based on research and current trends residential rehab, while in some cases being a vital part of treatment, has a high rate of relapse if not followed by some sort of outpatient rehab. This being the case there may not always be a need to enter residential rehab centers at the initiation of rehab. If the need does arise many outpatient rehab centers have the ability to freeze their rehab program and utilize a residential rehab as needed. Some of these cases might include a need for medical stabilization, or non-compliance in an outpatient rehab setting.

So why is outpatient rehab so important to addiction treatment? It’s simple, it has to do with the way addiction affects the brain and how individuals deal with stress. It can be explained in this simple analogy, without getting too much into the science. The brain recognizes the substance used as a coping mechanism that is much more efficient than other and so a memory is stored for reference in similar situations. This is much like a coat or blanket when we get cold.

So, as negatives are associated with substance abuse, let’s say all blankets and coats have small pox and there is no vaccine. So, if you use a blanket or coat you may not die immediately but you would eventually and if you see your family you might negatively affect them as well. Now, we have to figure out alternate forms to stay warm without grabbing a blanket or coat. Thrown out in the cold anyone, knowing what is on these items, would grab them before death occurs. What is the difference between residential rehab and outpatient rehab? I’ll leave you with this final question.

Would we be more successful learning a technique to stay warm on a beach in Florida or in Maine with 6 feet of snow on the ground and someone to guide us?

Friday, February 1, 2013

Our Veterans, PTSD, and Substance Abuse: A Problem for Whom?

Let’s paint this picture. A young man from rural America is on the verge of high school graduation. He comes from a good family and wants to serve his country. He has no prior history of substance abuse or mental health issues. He joins the military and is placed in a combatant role. He is trained with the sole purpose of projecting violence in the name of his country. He is placed in situations where he projects this violence and is rewarded monetarily, extrinsically, and intrinsically.  Traumatic events in wartime expose him to stress that causes the development of PTSD. He leaves the service and is expected to leave all else behind with little transitional aid. The distress of PTSD makes transition and life difficult. Alcohol and/or drug use helps ease some of these symptoms. He becomes dependent on alcohol and/or drugs increasing his problems and decreasing his ability to cope. This young man is now in a dangerous place mentally, physically, and socially. Is coping skills consists of compartmentalizing, violence, and substance abuse. This leads to family and legal problems.

Research concerning post-traumatic stress disorder and substance abuse shows a high correlation between the two. According to this research 34.5% of men diagnosed with PTSD have substance abuse problems with drugs and 51.9% of men diagnosed with PTSD have substance abuse problems with alcohol; an amount that qualifies almost have of our returning vets with PTSD suitable for substance abuse treatment. Other publications show that 3 out of 4 Vietnam veterans that have PTSD also have co-occurring substance abuse disorders.

The fact that there is such a high correlation is often not surprising, especially to those who know or deal with an individual suffering from PTSD, but many people ask why this is the case. There are four theories that researcher have established as to the high correlation between PTSD and substance abuse or alcohol and/or drug addiction. Research supports all of these theories but vary among the PTSD demographic.
The High Risk Theory states that alcohol and/or drug addiction occurs before the development of PTSD. This theory has the idea that the substance abuse itself leads to high risk activities and that one or some of these traumatic events lead to the development of PTSD. While this may be for some cases, veterans are not likely to be using alcohol and/or drugs prior to or during traumatic combat experiences.

The Susceptibility Theory states that there is something with alcohol and/or drug abuse that increases a person’s susceptibility for developing PTSD following a traumatic event. While it is not known exactly what this might be there are theories available for review upon doing further research. Substance abuse does in fact alter normal functioning and structures in the body’s systems, these facts are the grounds for the foundation of this theory.

Shared Vulnerability Theory states that some people may have a genetic vulnerability to developing both PTSD and chemical dependency following a traumatic event. According to this theory these individuals might develop both symptoms following a traumatic event while someone lacking this genetic susceptibility might not.

The Self-Medication Theory states that people dealing with PTSD use substances to cope with symptoms of the disorder. For example individuals might utilize euphoric drugs to deal with depression or a depressant such as alcohol or benzodiazepines to deal with anxiety. Either way these individuals self-medicate to deal with the distress of PTSD. This author believes, based on actual conversations with veterans and personal experience that this is the case with most returning veterans that have both conditions.

Regardless of what theory applies to the individual suffering, there is definitely a correlation between substance abuse and PTSD; many of these with our returning veterans. Often individuals do find solace in using alcohol and drugs in coping with the distress of PTSD but they will ultimately find they have only increased their problems over time. These individuals will develop chemical dependencies that are difficult to control. What at one time was a single issue to deal with multiplies.

PTSD in our veterans has been shown to exhibit itself through difficulty controlling anger, irritability, self-medicating with alcohol and other drugs, and reckless and high risk behaviors; an already concerning array of problems that are only exacerbated by dependency to alcohol and drugs. Now, layer this with a decreased inhibition and altered moral state that is constructed in the mind of every combatant and more problems arise. This is an individual in dire need of comprehensive care! Yet, so many go untreated.

Why are there so many suffering veterans? Do they lack the desire to get better? Do they lack the knowledge to understand what is going on? Are we as a society not doing our part? It is vital that these individuals seek services through the VA or other entities capable of handling both substance abuse disorders and PTSD.

There is help available for our veterans. Simply understanding what these veterans face and passing that information on might mean more individuals who seek treatment for these problems, and ultimately improve their quality of life; in which they so deserve.  These individuals are not treated appropriately when faced with legal problems or those that do not completely understand what they are dealing with. Pass this on so that we might fight for those that have done so for us.



Friday, January 25, 2013

Western Ideology: The Alcohol and Drug Addiction Catalyst

Paying careful attention to the facts and data of our time, we cannot honestly escape the conclusion that we live, to a greater or lesser extent, in the grip of a powerful, largely Western ideology:  the ideology of a restless commitment to unlimited material progress, prosperity, and instant gratification.  This is an ideology that some westerners live by on a daily basis.  We find ourselves obsessed; focused on things like the global market and new technology.  We get lost in the drive to gain material possessions and solve undesirable stressors and emotions with hasty responses.  We find repose in the instant effects of technology and medication; and this comes with a price.

The search for instant gratification often ends in Addiction. Whether that is alcohol addiction or addiction to substances like opiates, cocaine and more, many individual’s solace seeking behavior lands them in a situation much less comfortable than were they began or expected to go. The majority of these individuals start this path at an early age and rely heavily on these chemicals as coping mechanisms for many of life’s tough times and stressors. Once the addiction to alcohol or drugs takes hold of the individual and negative results exacerbate their desire for change, they often have limited coping skills outside of these substances.

Part of the process of addiction treatment for alcohol and drug dependence is the process of behavioral change and the inclusion of positive coping mechanisms for these individuals. This can be learned once the individual has enough insight into their particular circumstances and usage but applying these skills are vital. Because of the necessity to both learn and implement these skills to drastically improve long-term outcomes, outpatient addiction treatment either alone or in conjunction with residential is recommended.

We have learned in our society to get the quick fix and we are rewarded for doing so by the very thing that has kept our race around for so long. And because of these things one of the most difficult things, in this author’s opinion, to deal with, as it relates with alcohol and drug addiction treatment, is the lack of coping skills necessary to maintain a life of sobriety far after primary care has ended. This is why psychiatric and therapeutic care is absolutely necessary to treatment if one desires the greatest chances of success. And while some individuals do succeed in living a life of sobriety, after completing a detox only or upon self-withdrawal from their drug of choice, the data for this method is not something I would personally risk.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Heroin and Opiate Addiction Treatment Options

Please note that this is not a Suboxone endorsement or advertisement. This author simply experiences a number of clients that have little to no understanding of the available treatment aids that accessible and wishes to be informative. What’s the big deal about Suboxone? What does Suboxone do? Why do some individuals feel Suboxone has an advantage over other similar pharmaceuticals?

Suboxone comes in both a sublingual tablet and film, while the film is becoming the mainstream delivery mechanism. Suboxone is composed of 8 mg buprenorphine and 2 mg naloxone. Buprenorphine is a partial agonist for dopamine whereas naloxone is a pure antagonist. The two parts have opposite functions; buprenorphine acting to establish homeostasis in the absence of opiates or heroin and naloxone decreasing the risks for abuse of Suboxone.

 The fact that Suboxone acts as a partial agonist for dopamine allows physicians to keep their clients from experiencing withdrawal symptoms associated with opiate dependence while decreasing the likelihood that those seeking such pharmaceuticals are abusing the substance. Suboxone is being used as both an agent in detox protocols, as well as a maintenance aid for long-term treatment. Individuals who are involved in maintenance would experience no effects from opiates due to naloxone if they were to use an opiate while using also using Suboxone. Because of this added agent, lower levels can be used compared to the protocol used by many methadone clinics; since that protocol utilizes the principle of maintaining a high enough dose that would limit illicit drugs effects on the client.

 Heroin and opiate detox programs utilize Suboxone, especially in the outpatient setting, since the chemical Naloxone helps decrease the chances of relapse throughout the protocol. Suboxone, in the detox program, can help minimize the effects of withdrawal over the duration of treatment. Many of these programs will put the client on Naltrexone upon completion of the detox. Naltrexone and Naloxone are very similar compounds that differ in their half-life, or the amount of time that the chemical stays within the clients system. Vivitrol is now being used to deliver this pure antagonist that blocks the effects of heroin, opiate, and opioids. This is done by a polymer compound that contains Naltrexone breaking down in the blood and slowly releasing the chemical.

 Whatever the program, Suboxone has been proven effective in a multitude of treatment protocols and is a beneficial tool in opiate addiction treatment. It is important to note however that Suboxone and medications alone have not been proven to be as successful alone as compared to programs that combine medications, psychiatric care, and counseling. When choosing your treatment be sure to do your research and choose a comprehensive program that treats you where you are at…

Midwest Institute for Addiction

Friday, January 11, 2013

So I’m Addicted to Painkillers…Now I’m a Heroin Addict…

A rising epidemic across the Midwest and throughout the United States is the prevalence of individuals dealing with addiction to painkillers and other opiates and opioids. The youth of America are, unfortunately, well aware of the pharmaceutical compounds such as vicodin, oxycontin, oxycodone, percocet, fentanyl, and so many more. This fact is one that is both disturbing and a major problem in our society. Many times this problem starts right in your medicine cabinet.

Research has shown that in 2011 over 200 million prescriptions were written for painkillers in the United States alone; we only have over 300 million individuals in this country! And part of this problem is that many times an amount in excess of what is actually needed is given, leaving half empty bottles to dispose of. Who wants to waist perfectly good medicine? Right, so most people just throw their painkillers in the cabinet above the sink, where they sit until...

Now, most people think of a progression of most young people through a “gateway” of drugs, i.e. cigarettes, beer, liquor, marijuana, and so on. The facts however are starting to show a different trend, that getting prescriptions like vicodin or oxycontin out of their parent’s medicine cabinets is a lot easier than trying to find a way to obtain illicit drugs or alcohol. And so the battle begins. Opiate painkillers like vicodin, percocet, oxycontin, and oxycodone are highly addictive and many times a serious addiction can occur before the individual even realizes the dangers.

Once the body has adapted to this dopamine agonist it begins to need the chemical to function correctly and thus a cost is incurred on the individual. This cost is a financial burden but let us not forget the mental and physical burden also involved. The cost of some of these painkillers is extremely expensive both on the street and with a prescription from a physician. However, there is a much more affordable alternative; heroin…
Most people don’t jump right on the heroin train, in fact, this rarely happens according to self-reports from many individuals. The progression that many individuals experience occurs unknowingly, like Super Mario Brothers when you get into a pipe without knowing where you will end up, the dangers that lie ahead are rarely labeled on prescription painkillers’ bottles.

There is a stigma around using and becoming addicted to heroin, and the very people that frown at this idea end up themselves becoming categorized by it. The financial, mental, and physical burdens that opiate dependency places on an individual and their family often shift the concentration gradient from prescription opiates to heroin quite easily. Heroin can be less costly than the pharmaceutical opiates, and with the influx of heroin into the United States it is also readily accessible. And you don’t have to use a needle! Heroin can be used by snorting, swallowing, and smoking as well, taking some of the stigma away.

Understanding the disease of addiction makes understanding the progression into heroin use much easier. That there are physical adaptations that mean the body needs heroin to function and that the brain recognizes heroin use as a means of survival make this already slippery slope much more slippery. This information is vital in the prevention of further heroin abuse. There are local organizations that will dispose of unneeded medications to decrease the amount on the street and many more programs if a little research is done.


Scott McKinney is the Vice President at Midwest Institute for Addiction; a state licensed medically assisted treatment center in St. Louis, Missouri. MIA is committed to providing quality treatment and education in the area of chemical dependency and process addictions in our society.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Without suffering, happiness cannot be understood.

Without suffering, happiness cannot be understood. The ideal passes through suffering like gold through fire. -Fyodor Dostoevsky-
